Event Highlights: Please Click On Both Recordings and Pictures for a complete summary of our past events


Click on the images to watch a recording of one of our past events.

Your feedback on our events is always appreciated: CLICK HERE after watching any recording below.

March 10, 2023 – Grants Ballot Question & Answer Session

Look for your grant selection ballots in your email on March 10th! Members of the Grants Committee had an online discussion to learn about this year’s grant cycle and ballot nominations. Watch that recording here.

February 1, 2023 – Education Event: Winning Strategies for Family Caregiving

In a hybrid Zoom and in-person event, participants learned from experts how to create a caregiving game plan for your family so you can reach the “finish line” with the best quality of life possible, with family relationships and resources intact. This interactive virtual event helped participants develop tools for their personal caregiving toolbox.

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February 1, 2023 – Education Event: Winning Strategies for Family Caregiving – Handouts

Please find handouts for the February 1, Caregiving Part II hybrid event on Winning Strategies for Family Caregiving.

“Lessons From Family Game Night” slides

Team Member Worksheet

Care Plan Template

Activities of Daily Living

Independent Activities of Daily Living

January 25, 2023 – Education Event: Supporting Caregivers in Our Community

Many people do not identify as a caregiver and yet one in four Idahoans support a friend or family member of any age with physical, cognitive, mental health, and/or chronic needs. On Wednesday, Jan. 25 members of IWCF and their guests were treated to an educational event outlining the need for additional support for those serving as caregivers as well as information on the many resources available in Idaho. 

Click Here for a list of resources.

Click Here for the presentation slides.

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January 26, 2022 – Education Event: Managing the Impact of Growth on Infrastructure in Boise

Boise Mayor Lauren McLean discussed how her staff is working to rise to the challenges caused by Boise’s incredible growth.

Click here to listen to the audio recording.

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October 26 – Education Event: The Impact of Sexual Abuse and Family Violence in Our Communities

A panel of three women: Bea Black (Women’s and Children’s Alliance), Paige Dinger (Faces of Hope), and Kathryn Seebold (Family Advocates), facilitated by moderator Lauren Necochea. The panel shared their insights into, and information about, sexual abuse and domestic violence in the Treasure Valley. They also answered questions and discussed what individuals can do to help.

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2021 Insights into IWCF Grants – Discussion for Nonprofits

A recording of the 2021 grants information session for Southwest Idaho nonprofits.

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IWCF Annual Meeting 2021

Enjoy this virtual celebration of our 2021 pooled-fund grantees! Unlike any other Annual Meeting we’ve held, our grantees gave video presentations describing their funded project and the impact that it will have on their organization and the community at large.

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Grants Ballot Q&A

The grants cycle is coming to a close. Listen to the Q and A as we share with you the projects headed to the ballot.

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Education Event: Working Together During the Progressive Era: The Legacy of Women’s Clubs in Idaho

This presentation, by State Historian HannaLore Hein, explores the circumstances that allowed for the development of women’s clubs in the United States between the mid-to-late 1800s and early 1900s and the underlying ideologies and sentiments that spurred the Progressive Era. With this foundation the presentation will then explore the emergence of women’s clubs in Idaho, the specific work of these clubs, and the impact that these clubs had in their communities. The work of club women at the turn of the century supported various facets of the community, including health, education, the arts and humanities, and political and civic engagement. The presentation ends with an exploration of how some of these clubs adapted and continued to serve their community well into the 20th and 21st centuries, and how, thanks to the record keeping of these organizations, we (with the help of historians) can learn from the women leaders of the past.

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New Member Orientation

Learn how IWCF internally operates. Board members discuss their committee functions and how they contribute to the whole organization.

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Holiday Social

Lisa Peterson of A’Tavola Market Place and Cafe invited us on a virtual tour of her Christmas Room and an opportunity to see her demonstrate some fun holiday themed appetizers. We also invited our members to come to the event with a special tradition, food idea, or memory to share. Happy Holidays!

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Welcome to Grants

Have you ever thought about joining the IWCF Grants Committee? This might be your year! Hear about our 2020-2021 grants cycle, get an update on our most recent recipients and ways to be involved in this year’s process.

Most of our events will be held virtually, so if this is something you are interested in but live far way or don’t like to drive in the winter please join us from the comfort of your couch, office, or comfy chair.

Already know you want to be a grants committee member? Sign up here and we will be in touch.

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Giving Graciously to Ourselves

Are you tired of being last on your to-do list? Do you give and give until there is nothing left to give? When women fill ourselves up, we naturally give to others. Just in time to rescue you from yourself before holiday madness sets in, get into your comfies and we will explore new possibilities, best practices and easy-peasy ways to fill your tank so you can thrive through the shifting sands of the 2020 holidays. Member Carolyn Casey has graciously offered her time and talents to lead this session.

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Planned Giving Workshop: “Your Philanthropic Legacy: Why and How”

Thoughtful estate planning that includes philanthropy is an effective way to leave a legacy that reflects your values and has advantages for you, your family and your community. Susan and Laura share reasons to create your giving plan, questions to consider, who to involve and how you can get it done.

Susan M. Graham, Certified Elder Law Attorney, Senior Edge Legal, a law practice devoted to estate planning for those anticipating or in retirement.

Laura C. Simic, Vice President, Grenzebach Glier & Associates, consultants in philanthropic management serving education and nonprofit organizations worldwide.

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Member Event: Opera Idaho Performance & Social

IWCF members & guests enjoyed this performance by Opera Idaho, a recent recipient of an IWCF grant. This event included information about their programs and a performance by soprano Jena Carpenter along with accompanist Betsi Hodges. IWCF members Vicki Kreimeyer and Laura Simic are members of the Opera Idaho board of directors, and served as our hosts for the evening.

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Education Event: “Feeding the Hungry”

Karen Bilowith, President and CEO of the Idaho Community Foundation and IWCF member moderated this panel discussion. Panelists included Karen Vauk, President and CEO of the Idaho Foodbank; Grant Jones, CEO of Metro Meals on Wheels; and Dr. Teri Thaemert, Capital Area Director, Boise School District.

While the panelists provided extensive information on the magnitude of the problem of food insecurity exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the major focus of their presentations was the response of area organizations and individuals to community need.  All four speakers stressed the importance of collaboration and coordination, offering examples of the partnerships among their organizations.

Click here for the slide referred to by Karen Bilowith in the recording.

Websites for more information and donations on the presenting organizations are listed below:

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Insights Into IWCF Grants: Education Session for Nonprofits – Rural Communities

Jen Sampson, Grants Chair, goes over details and tips about the IWCF grant process for 2020-2021. The first session included nonprofits that are located in or serve Rural Communities. Both sessions include a question and answer session.

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Insights Into IWCF Grants: Education Session for Nonprofits – General

Jen Sampson, Grants Chair, goes over details and tips about the IWCF grant process for 2020-2021. This second session included other general nonprofits. Both sessions include a question and answer session.

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Grants Education Session: Proposal Evaluation

Members of the grants committee attended this informational meeting outlining proposal evaluation. At this session we talked through evaluating grants and took a look at our new grants software.

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Annual Meeting & Anniversary Party Virtual Celebration 2020

84 IWCF members and guests celebrated both our 2020 grantees and member anniversaries at this combined event! It was a touching virtual presentation where we learned that despite the pandemic, grantees past and present are finding ways to move forward with their projects and connect with their constituency, and IWCF members are staying engaged with 98% voting in the spring. Board President, Christine Avey, shared a look forward including new member payment options, and how IWCF is set to hit a $5 million grant milestone in our upcoming 20th Anniversary year! We were also pleased to watch a video of each 2020 grantee explain in their own words where they are with their projects – including a first look at the Wassmuth Center for Human Right’s “Be an Upstander” video we funded!

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Grants Panel 2020! What’s Happening?

A big thanks to our participants at IWCF’s first grants panel. As different as our nonprofits are in the guests and communities they serve, our panelists shared how they are coping with 2020 and how they are working everyday to meet people where they are at in terms of learning and services, how the word PIVOT has become the brand of 2020 from fundraising to performances, and how although this is a difficult time, they are all working, not just to get back to normal but to get somewhere better.

For more information about our participants here are their websites.

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September 24, 2022 – IWCF Idaho Shakespeare Volunteer Evening

Please join us for an evening under the stars volunteering and enjoying the well-crafted Shakespeare production of “39 Steps”  “39 Steps” is an Agatha Christie mystery. Our role is simple – clean the chairs and tables, take tickets, handout programs and assist attendees to their seats. During intermission and after the performance, we will also…

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June 29, 2022 – IWCF Idaho Shakespeare Volunteer Evening

In 2014, we awarded the Idaho Shakespeare Festival a grant of $20,000 for a van to take actors and their stories out into many areas of Idaho where theater has not been readily available to the community! Over the last several years, we are fortunate to have had the opportunity to volunteer at the festival.…

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May 10, 2022 – Annual Meeting & Grant Awards

Sunshine and smiles were present at the first in person Annual Meeting in two years! 126 members, guests, and grantees gathered at the Barber Park Events Center to celebrate more than $220,000 in pool-fund grant awards this season! Nine grantees shared through video what the funding means to their programs and the people they serve.…

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April 18, 2022 – IWCF Day of Service

We had so much fun at IWCF’s Service Day at the Idaho Botanical Garden on April 18! In celebration of International Women’s Day, 35 IWCF members volunteered in the Garden Monday by weeding, planting, and providing overall spring clean up  – saving Garden staff days of work in just a few hours! At lunch we…

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March 10, 2022 – Grants Ballot Q&A Online Session

We are concluding another wonderful season of reviewing grants applications! Please join the grants committee for a Q and A as we share with you the projects headed to the ballot. Date: March 10, 2022 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Virtual Zoom Members Only Look for a registration link in your inbox. If you…

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March 1, 2022 – Education Event: Trailblazing Women of Idaho

In celebration of Women’s History Month, and in keeping with the 2022 symposium theme of celebrating change-making women, the education committee produced an event at the Idaho History Museum, featuring their “Trailblazing Women of Idaho” exhibit. Members and guests heard from an amazing panel of women and were then able to tour the exhibit, along…

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February 8, 2022 – Grants Education Session: Site Visits

Grants Committee members, please join us for a conversation about site visits: what we will do once we get to the site visit, the kinds of questions we will be asking, and how we will be conducting site visits virtually and in person this year. Haven’t signed up to be on the grants committee yet? Sign…

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January 20, 2022 – Grants Education Session: Proposal Evaluation

Members of the grants committee are invited to attend this informational meeting outlining proposal evaluation. At this session we will talk through evaluating grants, introduce you to our grants software, and break out into our interest area groups. Haven’t signed up to be on the grants committee yet? Sign up here and we will be in touch.…

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January 12, 2022 – Member Event: Women Making an Impact in Our Community

Please join us to hear from your friends and colleagues who are making a difference in our community through their philanthropic involvement. Andrea Roope, IWCF member will be speaking. This is our final membership event before the 2022 membership renewal deadline of January 31, 2022. Please bring friends and family who may be interested in joining…

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