Each of the six grants are assigned to an evaluation committee, who meets regularly and works to evaluate each submitted grant proposal. The full Grants Committee meets at several stages in the process to guide participants from one step to the next, and to ensure consistency across all interest areas. Each evaluation committee selects 3-4 proposals for a site visit. After site visits, the Grants Committee recommends two projects per interest area for placement on the member ballot.
Ballots are sent to the entire IWCF membership each spring for a vote on final funding decisions. At least one grant will be awarded in every annual interest area. Occasionally, we are able to fund additional grants; this is dependent on the size of IWCF’s pooled fund each spring, as well as the amount of funding sought by the proposals on our ballot.
The Grants Committee is open to all IWCF members. The IWCF grants cycle begins in December and ends in May. For more information on the grants program or to join the Grants Committee, please contact our grants committee chair.