Susan Smith Endowment Fund – Sustaining Our Future!

As of December 31, 2023, our Susan Smith Endowment stood at $1,212,200.  Our investments have concentrated on holdings that fit within a strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) philosophy.   

We owe this all to our members.  A HUGE THANK YOU to you forward-thinking members who see the value of investing in the long-range sustainability of IWCF and have contributed to our success.     

Established in 2009 to subsidize operations, the Susan Smith Endowment Fund is our path to providing for the sustainability of our IWCF – our way of “walking the walk”, just as we look for sustainability when considering our grant applicants.  We have, in fact, drawn from the Endowment several times, allowing us to grow while keeping dues low.

Donate to the Endowment NowLeave a Legacy GIFT

Endowment – Bridge to the Future

How can I help provide for the sustainability of IWCF?  There are a few ways:

  • Designate a portion of my own Individual Grant Designation (IGD) to The Susan Smith Endowment Fund
  • Make a one-time separate contribution to the Endowment Fund
  • Become a member of GIFT (Giving It Forward Together).  What is GIFT?  GIFT is the group of members who have included IWCF in their wills or other estate-planning instruments and have notified the office of that legacy.  See below to understand how to become a GIFT member.

Any of these donations can be made in cash, by check or credit card, or via transfers of shares of stock, if that is better for your personal income tax situation.

Add your name to GIFT (Give It Forward Together)

You can make a gift from your estate by including language in your will or living trust or naming the Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation Susan Smith Endowment as a beneficiary of your life insurance or retirement account. The legal name and Tax ID information is Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation Susan Smith Endowment Fund, Tax ID 82-0527986.

Sample Language for Last Will or Revocable Trust:

I give $____ to the Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation Susan Smith Endowment Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with its principal offices in Boise, Idaho, or if it is not then in existence, to its successor organization.


I give _____percent (__%) to the Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation Susan Smith Endowment Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit  with its principal offices in Boise, Idaho, or if it is not then in existence, to its successor organization.

Please let us know when you have decided to leave a Legacy GIFT whether through a beneficiary designation or direction in your will or other estate documents.

Endowment Contributors

Susan Abdo
Mary Abercrombie
Catheryn Alexander
Ann (Garrett) Allyn
Kay Alspaugh
Terry Anderson
Desh Anderson
Kate Aravich
Christine Avey
Margi Babcock
Eileen Langan Barber
Jeanne Barker
Cathy Barney
Beth Bartlett
Laura Barton
Marilyn Beck
Linda Beebe
Stephanie Bender-Kitz
Diann Bennett
Janet Benoit
Pam Bernard
Susan Berry
Laura Bettis
John Billingsley
Karen Bilowith
Valencia Bilyeu
Marilyn Bischoff
Sherry Bithell
Brenda Blitman
Teresa Broadus
Joan Boren
Hollis Brookover
Bradley & Amie Bruggerman
Ellen Bush
Linda Cadwell
Jill Carissimi
Carolyn Casey
Tam Casper
Gayle Chalfant
Susan Chaloupka
Shirley Chetwood
Dawn Christensen
Vicky Coelho
Sharon Colby
Carolyn Collins
Lisa Cooper
Laurie Corrick
Linnae Costello
Carol Covington-Hackney
Lelei Coyle
Elizabeth Crandlemire
Jacqueline Crist
Ellen Crosby
Roxanne Cummings
Donna Dahlberg
Victoria Dater
Marlys Davenport
Ann & Darin DeAngeli
Gena Delucchi
Nancy DeMauro
Lisa Derig
Marilyn Dorman
Kathi Drew
Mary Dudley
Betsy Dunklin
Kathy Durbin
Claire Dwyer
Jennifer Dye
Dixie Dykman
Ardyth Eisenberg
Deb Eisinger
Frances Ellsworth
Kris Erne
Kimberly Fall
Carey Farmer
Sydney Fidler
Patricia Forbes
Theresa Fox
Elizabeth Franklin
Barbara Frizzell
Kam Garner
Leslie Garrett
Danielle George
Lori Gibson-Banducci
J. Andrea Gibson
Randa Giles

Tory Goltry
Kate Gorrissen
Margaret & Willy Gorrissen
Jeanne Gorrissen
Linda Gossett
Janine Greene
Suzanne Groff Lierz
Jackie Groves
Debra Guth
Susan Hackborn
Kerry Hagerty
Claudia Hambacker
Molly Harder
Jane Hardison
Kay Hardy
Anne Hay
Sus Helpenstell
Margaret Wainwright Henbest
Alice Hennessey
Margaret Hepworth
Wendell Higgins
Christy Hilde
Mary Jane & David Hill
Darcy Hoellwarth
Carol Hoidal
Deb Holleran
Jane Houston
Jillian Huang
Kay Hummel
Heather Jauregui
Debbie Johnson
Tami Joplin
Cyndi Friend Kay
Martha Keener
Dana Kehr
Tricia Kennedy
Melinda Kim
Jeanne King
Gail Kirkpatrick
Vicki Kreimeyer
Diane Kushlan
Kellie Kuster
Carole Lamet
Karen Lansing
Chris LaRocco
Jean Larson
Teresa Lassandro
Katherine Lee
Lois Lenzi
Marcia & Don Liebich
Kim & Mark Liebich
Treacy & Kurt Liebich
Jordan Lierz
Anne-Marie Lodge
Cecelia Lojek
Tena Lokken
Sally Long
Carolyn Lunstrum
Kim Lynch
Gayla Lyon
Theresa Madrid
Julie Manning
Bernadine Marconi
Susan May
Marilyn McAllister
Arlene McCarthy
Mary McCowin
Luci McDonald
Sharon McEwan
Janell McGill
Theresa McLeod
Tina Michael
Celeste Miller
Rhonda Millick
Jo Anne Minnick
Janie Modie
LeAnn Mohr
Lois Morris
Diane Myklegard
Amber Myrick
Robin Navert
Lauren Necochea
Erin Nuxoll
Robyn Olnes
Abbie Parker

Dick & Susie Parrish
Nicole Patterson
Linda Perez
Jill Perl
Ann Peterson
Christine Pickford
Kathy Pidjeon
Mindy Plumlee
Rhonda Pollock
Kristin Prieur
Georgiann Raimondi
Brooke Ramstad
Vera Rasmussen
Carol Reagan
Jill Reed
Marjorie Reedy
Sue Reents
Marline Rennels
Jan Riener
Julie Riley
Alicia Ritter
Bron Roberts
Linda Rodda
Diane Ronayne
Andrea Roope
Amy Rustad
Suzy Ryder
Aleta Sales-Pottenger
Jennifer Sampson
Melinda Sander
Ann Sandven
Satz Asbury Family Foundation
Beth Schattin
Deanna Schmidt
Stella Schneider
Elke Scholl
Joy Schweitzer
Kathy Scott
Jan Scripps
Judy Secrist
Marian Shaw
Sara Shepard
Linda Shoebridge
Marilyn Shuler
Cathy Silak
Laura Simic
Penny Simons
Carroll Sims
Kristin Hoff Sinclair
Stacy Slattery
Christine Smith
Jo-Anne Smith
Michael & Susan Smith
June Smith
Heidi Smith
Sara Smith
Celinda Snyder
Gerry Soule
Myrna Stahman
Christine Steele
Janice Stevenor Dale
Lisa Stevenson
Dottie Stimpson
Yvonne Swanstrom
Jean Thomas
Jan Treadway
Jena Vasconcellos
Nancy Vinsonhaler
Debbie Wachtell
Janea Walker
Christine Ward
Mikel Ward
Paula Warren
Lynn Wearden
Tara Wensel
Graham & Donna Wetherley
Stephanie White
Whitney Foundation (The)
Gayle Wilde
Colleen Willoughby
Jacquelyn Wilson
Janelle Wise
Susan Wishney
Gini Woolley
Shawn Del Ysursa

For further information, please feel free to call Dana Kehr, 208.724.5333,