The Cancer Connection Idaho: Write from the Heart—$20,000
Allocated over two years, this IWCF grant will transform a therapeutic outlet for teens into an annual program. It will celebrate teens, raise awareness of their emotional needs as they undergo cancer related challenges, and bring catharsis and healing through the act of writing. In 2016, a booklet containing the teens’ winning essays will be published, and the program will add writing mentors.
Council School District: Council Rural Environmental Stewardship Team — $23,500
This IWCF grant will bring together Council’s school, community and area to create a sustainable, environmentally friendly park and pond. As the 240 students apply inquiry based learning to real watershed problems, they will gain job skills, receive training in job application and make contacts with forest industry employers. In this financially depressed area, CREST’s work will benefit both locals and visitors for many years.
Good Samaritan Home: Building Renovation Repair Beautification Project — $30,000
Thanks to IWCF, the 72 year old Good Samaritan Home will receive much needed improvements to its 18,800 square foot facility, which houses low income veterans, seniors, and men and women with disabilities — people who otherwise might not have a place to live. The home is seriously in need of repairs generally, especially replacement of badly worn flooring in the main traffic areas.
Feed the Gap, Inc.: Safety Net for Hungry Children in Boise Schools — $30,000
To close the food gap for 8,000 children who would otherwise go hungry because of their parents’ financial instability, IWCF is partnering with the Boise School District to identify and feed them for three years through this grant. This support goes to schools that do not qualify for federal assistance. The three-year program will help children be ready to learn and protect them from being turned away in their cafeteria.
Idaho Children’s Trust Fund: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Initiative — $30,000
During this three-year project, IWCF funds will support a coordinator and workbooks for training 5 percent of Treasure Valley adults (~22,500 people) how to prevent sexual abuse, using the research based curriculum “Stewards of Children.” Research has shown that reaching this number is the tipping point for changing behavior, which must be done to address the most prevalent health problem children face.
Life’s Kitchen, Inc.: Life Skills and Employability Training Project –$ 30,000
Building on 12 years of Life’s Kitchen’s success, IWCF will fund its trainees for three years. They will learn skills to live as independent young adults and job skills to secure and maintain employment. They also will complete their high school diploma equivalent, earn professional food industry certification and be mentored to improve their sense of self-worth and gain the ability to set and accomplish life goals.